Keep Feeding a Child's Future

Share Jesus through food
Thank you for supporting Musahar children!
Children from the Musahar caste in India are considered “untouchable” by people in their communities. 80–90% of the children are malnourished, eating one meal or less per day, often made from scavenged food.
You’ve helped native missionaries educate, clothe, and feed these children. To keep the food program going, we need regular support. Just $10 a month will supply necessary nutrition, such as a midday meal during school.
Meeting an important practical need like food proves to the Musahar children, their families, and the greater community that Jesus loves them. Let’s feed the bodies and souls of these precious children together.

What happens next?
After you make your donation and sign up to give monthly, support goes straight to the mission field. Native missionaries who have long-term relationships in two Musahar communities receive your support and use it to buy food for the children they’re serving through education programs. They share and live out the Gospel through teaching and food distributions.
The local economy in these communities means that your donation buys more food than it would in the U.S. Buying food locally also allows native missionaries to support and sustain their communities. Your monthly gift blesses the Musahar children, native missionaries, and local businesses. Thank you!